Treasure Hunt

To teach that right choices help us move ahead in life while the wrong ones push us back.

Objectives: To teach that right choices help us move ahead in life while the wrong ones push us back.

You will need: Take printouts of the “Treasure Hunt Map” page for each team. Cut it into chits. On each chit, you will find a number inside a square box. Fold the chit twice so that no one can read what is written on it and write that number outside. Likewise, prepare all the other chits and put them in separate envelopes for each team.

Download Treasure Hunt Map

How to play: Divide the kids into groups. Select a volunteer from each group. Empty the content of each envelope in the palms of the respective volunteer. At the count of three, the teams should start with chit 1, open it, read the scenario, make their choice and open the next chit that their choice leads to. Ask them to make their choices wisely as wrong choices would lead them to a dead end. The final chit will contain the whereabouts of the treasure. The team that gets to the treasure first is the winner.

(Monitor the kids and make sure they read the chits in the proper sequence and that a chit once opened is not thrown back into the lot.)


Begin by asking a few questions like,

  1. Each clue had two choices. Were your choices easy to make? Explain. (Yes, because only one choice seemed smart; yes, because some of the choices were unkind.)
  2. What happened when you made the wrong choice? (we reached a dead end; We were not able to move forward)
  3. How do you feel when you have a hard choice to make? (Frustrated; angry; mixed up; I don’t want to choose.)

You may continue by saying, “God also wants us to make good choices. If you choose to disobey your parents, or be naughty, and shout and scream, those are bad choices. But, if you ask God, He will help you make good choices. God can help you to decide to be good and listen and obey to your parents. God can help you choose to help your Mommy or Daddy, be kind to your friend, and share your toys. If you make good choices, that will please God. Right Choices help us move ahead in life while the wrong ones push us back. “