The Domino Effect
To teach that One sin can lead to others and Jesus came to put an end to sin and its wages.
Objective: To teach that One sin can lead to others and Jesus came to put an end to sin and its wages.
You will need: A set of dominoes
Set up 1: Set up the dominoes in a long line. You may ask the kids to do it or you can set it up before class to save time.
Explanation: Begin by saying, “One of the most fun things to do with dominoes is to stand them up on end in a long line like how it is set up here. You very carefully set up the dominoes, and when they are all set up, you topple the first domino and watch the others as they fall. (As you say this, you may ask one child to topple the first domino)
Sin also has a dominoes effect, children. Just like how toppling down one domino led to the fall of the other dominoes, one sin can lead to another… and another…and then another and so on. Sin can spread and hurt us and the others around us. Adam and Eve’s first sin was disobedience. But they didn’t stop there. When God questioned them, they put the blame on each other. One sin led to another and sinfulness passed on from generation to generation to this very day. You must be wondering then how can we be saved from sin and death? There is a way! It is through GOD’S AMAZING RESCUE PLAN. Let’s see what it is.”
Set up 2: Now set up the dominoes again in a straight line but pick one domino from the center and make it stand perpendicular to the rest of the dominoes like shown in the picture below. To make it stand out from the rest, you can use a different colored domino. I’ve used red here.
Explanation: Begin by saying, “Just like how sin and death began from one man called Adam and passed on from generation to generation, God sent His own son Jesus to put an end to sin and give eternal life to all those who believed in Him.”
Topple down the first domino as you say this. All the dominoes till the red domino will fall down. Point to the red domino and say, “Jesus is God’s greatest rescue plan for us. Jesus was completely without sin. He took our sins on Him and died in our place. He got what He did not deserve, to keep us from getting what we do deserve, that is death. Jesus put an end to death and gives eternal life to all those who believe in Him.”
You may ask the kids to read together from Romans 5:17-19