The Bridge
To Teach About The Fall Of Man And God’s Greatest Rescue Plan.
Objective: To teach that:
- Sin separates us from God.
- Jesus came to take our punishment on Him and connect us back to God.
- Anyone who believes in Jesus and turns away from their sin can have eternal life.
You will need:
- A copy of the craftivity page
- Stapler
- 2 popsicle sticks
- Glue
- Few drops of food coloring in a glass of water with the word “SIN” written on the glass.
Explanation: Ask the kids to color the craftivity page. Ask the kids to use the popsicle sticks to create a simple stick figure of themselves.
Once they are done, hold up the craftivity page and say “God created man and placed man in His world (as you say this, ask the kids to paste the stick figure on the globe). He surrounded man with beautiful things. God loved man so much and stayed so close to him (point to the heart as you say this), He even came to take evening walks with Adam and Eve. Nothing could separate man from Him. But then as we saw earlier, man chose sin over God (Now ask the kids to fold the sheet along the center).”
“Many times even we choose to sin. Can you name a few things you do which is not right in God’s eyes (wait for response)?” The children may say lying, cheating, disobeying, being selfish, angry, lazy and jealous, unforgiving, swearing, etc.
For every sin they name, ask the kids to dip their finger in the Sin glass filled with colored water and rub it along the fold.
By now, the paper should have weakened and should tear along the fold easily.
You may continue by saying, “Sin weakens our relationship with God and separates us from Him (As you say this, pull the paper apart. It should tear along the center) and does not allow us to receive the eternal life He offers us.
We all have sinned. But God loves us so much that He has provided us a bridge that connects us back to Him and helps us receive and enjoy the eternal life He offers us. The bridge to eternal life with God is Jesus. Jesus came into this world to save us from sin and its wages.
Many times, we may feel worthless but did you know, you are so valuable to God that He died for you as a punishment for your sins?
Now ask the kids to staple the cross like a bridge between the world and the heart.
As they do this, you may say “All our sins were nailed to the cross with Jesus. And that’s not the end. Jesus came back to life. He was victorious over death and we can be victorious too. Sin does not have power over us anymore. Anyone who believes in Jesus and turns away from their sin can have eternal life because of His sacrifice. And we can share this special message of eternal life with everyone we meet!
The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”.(Romans 6:23)