Tailing The Donkey

A Game To Teach Complete and Constant Obedience

Objective: To teach complete and constant obedience.

You will need: A copy of “tailing the donkey” page and a marker for each team.

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How to play: Divide the children into teams. Stick the donkey pictures to the wall apart from each other. Choose a volunteer from each team. Blindfold the volunteers and give them each a marker. The team members can help their teammate by giving instructions. The team that draws the tail for the donkey first is the winner.

Explanation: You may ask them a few questions like

        1. How was it possible for you to tail the donkey when you were blindfolded?
        2. What did you do when your friends gave you instructions?

You may continue by saying, “So the blindfold represents us needing a guide. We need to be quiet and really listen to know the instructions. When we listen to the voice leading us, we stay on the right path. In contrast, when we don’t listen or move too rashly, we fall off the path that leads to success in life.”

“When we obey, God wants us to obey completely – not only half the time or when it is convenient. We need to follow each and every instruction to its fullest and to our best ability. Just like how you had to follow all the instructions in order to win this game. This is called COMPLETE OBEDIENCE. Noah followed all the instructions God gave Him on how to make the ark, what kind of wood to use, how big it has to be, what animals to get in and how much food to be packed. He obeyed God even to the little details without questioning Him. It almost took him a little over than 70 years to build the Ark. But Noah didn’t give up. He obeyed God’s instructions completely even if it took a lot of his time and energy.”

“Noah also demonstrated unwavering or CONSTANT OBEDIENCE. Keep in mind that Noah was building a big ark because God told him to. I have a feeling Noah and his family were teased a lot from the other people. What if your neighbor started building a huge boat on your street? It would sound a little strange… But Noah did not listen to what his neighbors must have said as he built his ark and collected the animals. He was not interested in their opinions. The only person he sought to please was God. When you played the game, you could also hear your friends from other teams giving out instructions for their teammates. But you kept your ears carefully tuned only to your team members so that you don’t lose direction of your path. Likewise, we should obey keeping in mind that we should not seek the approval of the world, but only the approval of God.”

“So the first two keys of obedience are complete and constant obedience.”