Finding “Me”mo

To teach that we should give our Treasures to God wholeheartedly.

Objective: To teach that we should give our Treasures (T) to God wholeheartedly.

You will need: Plain paper chits for each child, a box and pictures of people in need

How to play: Give each child a paper chit. Ask them to write their name on it, fold it and give it back to you. You may collect the chits in a box. Now shuffle the chits well and scatter them on the floor. On the count of three, ask the kids to find their chit. The child who finds their chit first is the winner.

Explanation: You may begin by saying, “When you played this game you came across chits that had your friend’s name on them. Though you knew they needed it, you did not give it to them. Why?”

Ask the kids to read from Proverbs 28:27 –

Whoever gives to the poor will lack nothing, but those who close their eyes to poverty will be cursed.” 

You may now show them pictures of people in need and explain by saying, “Alright, this was just a game. But when we come across these people in the pictures. What do we do? There are people locally and around the world who are in need.  They are in need physically and spiritually. When we see this, we have two choices. Do we respond by giving or close our eyes to their needs?” 

Encourage kids to not close their eyes to those in need, but to look and respond by giving their offering to help others both physically and spiritually. 

Ask the kids to read from Hebrews 13:16 –

“But don’t forget to help others and share your possessions with them. This too is like offering a sacrifice that pleases God.”

End by saying, “Giving to others is like giving to God Himself. When you do this, God has promised to provide for your needs. So the third T that we should give God wholeheartedly is our TREASURE.” Talk about the two ways by which we can give God our treasure 

  • Giving to those in need
  • Giving to build God’s kingdom (offerings to church/missionary organisations)