Cup Stack

To teach that sin destroys our lives

Objective: To teach that sin destroys our lives.

You will need: 15 plastic/ thermocol cups per team

How to play: Divide the children into groups. Give each team the 15 cups.

Round 1 : Give each group 10 points if they finish stacking the cups within 2 minutes. (The idea is for all the groups to win this round)


 Round 2 : As the coordinator, choose a cup that is positioned in such a way that removing it will bring the structure down not so glaringly obvious to the kids that the structure will fall down. The cup with the arrow in the image above is an example of a good position to callout.


The group that removes this cup without disturbing the stack built in R1 earns 30 points. If the structure collapses they lose the points earned in round 1 as well.

Use your choicest persuasive techniques to tempt them to remove the cup. Play the devil. ;)

Explanation: You may begin by saying, “God created Adam and Eve, placed them in the garden and had great plans for their lives similar to the beautiful cupstack that you planned and built with the cups. It was a perfect plan with no death, no pain, no sickness, no sorrow and no hardship. How wonderful!

But when Adam and Eve were tempted, they chose sin over God’s beautiful plan similar to how you gave in to temptation when you chose to remove one cup from the tower knowing fully well that it might bring down the beautiful structure that you had built.

Sin destroys our lives. When we sin, we move away from God’s perfect plans for our lives and fall into satan’s plans which will lead to our destruction.

Romans 6:23 says “The wages of sin is death”. God created us and only He knows what is best for us. We should be smart and listen to His instructions.”