Creation Game
To demonstrate the vastness of God’s creation and to teach how He made us special out of everything He created.
To demonstrate the vastness of God’s creation and to teach how He made us special out of everything He created.
How to play:
Divide the kids into teams (more people, more teams) and announce that each team will have to squeeze into the shape of the item mentioned. For example: When you say “Let there be TREES” the teams must squeeze into the shape of a tree. (For a tree, the children can line up and the child standing in the front can be the bark and the others from behind can raise their hands to form the branches of the tree) The team that forms the shape first will be the winner.
End by saying,” We just saw some beautiful flowers, trees, animals, birds, insects and what not. What variety! WOW! Is there a more creative artist than God? He created the heavens and the earth; the moon and stars; all the beasts on the land and the fowls in the air and the fish in the seas; He created every petal of every flower, every leaf on every tree; and from the dust of the Earth He created every man and every woman. He spoke our world into existence and filled every horizon with beauty.
But did you know, yet of everything God has created, He calls YOU His Masterpiece?! He created YOU in His own image. Turn your Bibles to Genesis 1:26. (You may ask them to read it out loud)
YOU are His most outstanding piece of work! Most precious, most beautiful, most cherished, most loved! You can see for yourself in Ephesians 2:10. (Ask a child to read out from Ephesians 2:10) Yes, out of everything that God has created, He loves YOU the most!”