Building Up The Temple

To teach that we should always use our Talents for God wholeheartedly.

Objective: To teach that we should always use our Talents (T) for God wholeheartedly.

You will need: A copy of the puzzle page for each team.

Download Puzzle

Set up: Cut the puzzle pieces along the lines and put them in separate envelopes for each team.

How to play: Divide the children into groups. Give each team the envelopes containing the puzzle of a church building. The team that builds the puzzle first is the winner. You may download the puzzle from ourRESOURCES.

Explanation: Once they solve the puzzle ask them to read what is written on each piece.

Begin by saying, “What are these called, children? TALENTS! A talent is an ability to do something well. Talents are gifts from God. God loves it when we use our talents for Him. God has given each one of us different set of talents to serve Him in different ways. All our talents are equally important to God to build His kingdom on earth. Just like how all the pieces of the puzzle were important to complete this picture.We should always be willing and courageous to use our talents for God. Jesus said, “You are the light of the world”. You should let the light shine for God and not hide it under a basket. God has also given us special instructions on how to use and how not to use our talents.”

You may make the children read from 1 Peter 4:10-11Romans 12:3-8 and Matthew 6:1-4

Continue by saying,“We see that God wants us to use our talents to glorify Him. We also see that we should not use our talents to show off to our friends and prove that we are better than them. So the second T that we should give God wholeheartedly is our TALENTS.”

Suggestion: Make a list of things you do well, and then ask someone close to you to do the same. Offer yourself in service of your church or charitable organization based on the talents you have identified.